Monday, January 31, 2011

Foot: Little Brother

When I first started reading Little Brother, I had a hard time getting into it. I was taken aback by the technology jargon. However, once I got fast the first few pages, I became much more interested in the book. I couldn’t believe that the government would act like that to American citizens. It made me so mad to think that people in our government could treat their own citizens like that. As I was reading Little Brother, I had a hard time believing that some of the technology could actually happen. Overall though, I really liked this book. The plot line kept my interest and I didn’t feel lost in all the technology terminology.

I do think I’ll use this book in my own classroom. I think I would offer it as a choice project reading rather than a mandatory text. I think for some students who aren’t that interested in technology or those who don’t know that much about technology, this book would be challenging for them. I did have a chance to look online at Cory Doctorow’s blog. One of the things that I found interesting was the news section for Little Brother. There was a small blog about a girl who wrote a song based on Little Brother. There was also a small blog that talked about a teacher who was trying to raise money to buy a classroom set of Little Brother to help his students better understand their rights. I thought it was really interesting that the author posted news information about his books on his blog.

This book also made me think of a show I used to watch. The show is called Big Brother. A group of people live in a house together and someone is constantly watching them. I hadn’t made the connection between the title and the reality show until I started to really think about Little Brother.

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