Thursday, January 27, 2011

Foot: History of Facebook

I actually enjoyed reading this article about Facebook. I knew a little bit about Mark Zuckerburg and how he started Facebook, but I didn’t know that there was such a controversy over it. I was a little surprised and at the same time not so surprised to read that so many people were filing lawsuits against Zuckerburg. With any huge company, I would expect people to try to lay claims to some of that money; however, I was surprised that so many of Zuckerburg’s early friends ended suing him later on. Also at one point, I remember the article talking about Zuckerburg’s early interests in computers. In the article, it said that by ninth grade he had created a computerized game version of Risk. I couldn’t even imagine thinking up these types of programming ideas, let alone actually completely them. When I try to think about how huge of a project that would be, I can’t even comprehend the amount of work put into it.

I also liked this article because it made me think about the different ways I could use Facebook in a classroom. For example, I think Facebook would be a good way of hosting literature circles or study groups online. Facebook is such a huge part of people’s lives because it offers people another way of communicating. I think it’s important for teachers to recognize that Facebook is another way they can adapt the way they teach their content material to connect with students.

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