Friday, April 29, 2011

Foot: Final Reflection

I think it is important for us as future teachers to be familiar with different types of modalities. I think this class did a good job at introducing us to different types of technology; however, sometimes I felt like this class was a review of information that I already knew. I already knew a lot of the information that was in the Costanzo book from taking Art of Theater and also participating in drama while I was in high school. I also didn’t like that book because it was really boring to read. I did like the activities that we did in class with film, but I don’t know that I would ever use it in my classroom besides a creative writing class. I had similar feelings about the Multi-genre Autobiography project. I liked that project, but I don’t ever see myself using that in a typical English class. I would use it in a creative writing class because it gets students thinking about different types of literacies and it allows students to be creative with their presentations.

I really like the idea of the canonical wiki. I think it’s a great idea to have many different types of multi-modal sources that we can use in our classroom. I had a really hard time with mine though because there wasn’t a lot of information out there about Puritan writers. I think one way to improve the wiki would be for the students who have a hard time finding sources about a topic to only find 10 sources instead of 20. That student could also look up another topic and find 10 sources on it so that it totals out to be 20 sources. I would rather find 10 good sources than find 20 sources, some of which aren’t that great.

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