Sunday, April 17, 2011

Foot: Pinocchio and Naruto

Text and Dialogue
Narration: There is narration in both novels. The main type of text that exists in both books is dialogue.
Balloons: Both books use balloons when expressing dialogue.
Captions: I don’t remember captions in Naruto. I know that there was dialogue outside of balloons, but that doesn’t add information about the scene. At the very beginning of Pinocchio, there are some captions.
Emanata: Pinocchio didn’t have any emanata, but Naruto did use emanata in the book.
Labels/Signs: There are signs on some of the shops in an overview of town in Pinocchio. In Naruto, there are chapter-like pages that give information to the reader.
Lettering: Pinocchio’s letter is in a smaller font, but it is in all caps. Naruto’s font is also in all caps, but the font size ranges drastically. Some words are bold, while some words are outlined. The font type is also constantly changing.
Sound Effects: There are some sound effects in Pinocchio, but not as many as there are in Naruto.
Visual Features
Characters: The characters in Naruto are given a lot of human characteristics. The characters in Pinocchio have a much more darker/sinister tone to their features.
Objects: Pinocchio’s main object is his nose.
Icons: I didn’t notice any icons as I was reading both books.
Scenery: Both books show scenery in the panels. In Pinocchio, you can see the room he’s in or the town surroundings. In Naruto, occasionally you can trees in the background or there will be a panel of the city.
Depicted action: Both novels have a lot of depicted actions throughout the texts.
General Layout and Design
Borders: There are almost always borders in Naruto, while there are not as many borders in Pinocchio.
Gutters: There are gutters in both books. Sometimes in Pinocchio the gutters appear as black instead of white.
Panels: Both books use panels throughout the text.
Open panel: Both Pinocchio and Naruto contain open panels where the action bleeds on to another page.
Splash: There are quite a few splash pages in Pinocchio. I could only find one splash page in Naruto.
Angles and Frames
Bleed: In both books, there are scenes where characters bleed onto another page, although it doesn’t happen very often.
Close up head shot: Naruto uses a lot more close up head shots than Pinocchio does.
Head-shoulder shot: Pinocchio uses a lot of head-shoulder shots throughout the book. Many more head-shoulder shots are used in Pinocchio than in Naruto.
Full-figure shot: There were full figure shots in Pinocchio, but I didn’t notice any full figure shots in Naruto.
Longshot: Both books contained longshots, although Naruto didn’t use them as much.
Extreme longshot: Pinocchio didn’t have any extreme longshots in the text. I only found one extreme longshot in Naruto.
Reverse: Both books used reverse in the panels, but Pinocchio used it much more frequently.
Rhetorical techniques
Exaggeration: There is a lot of exaggeration in Naruto. Sound effects are exaggeration by the size and font of the word and the effect it’s trying to have. There is some exaggeration in Pinocchio, although not as much.
Empathy/identification: I think it’s harder to identify with Pinocchio because I see that text based off of a fairytale. Naruto seems more realistic.
Mood/tone: The tone in Pinocchio is much darker than that in Naruto.
Simplicity/complexity: Pinocchio is much more simple compared to Naruto. There is so much going on in Naruto that it makes it harder to understand.
Irony/satire: There was some satire and irony in Pinocchio. It’s ironic that he has to lie so that his nose will grow so that he can kill vampires. I didn’t notice that so much in Naruto.
Realism/icons/symbolism: In Pinocchio, his nose is symbolic of the lies that he tells. Naruto feels more realistic to me. When I think about Pinocchio, I always associate it with a fairytale.
Order/disorder: I think there is a lot more order in Pinocchio than in Naruto. There is so much going on in Naruto that it feels disorderly to me,
Juxtaposition: I think there was juxtaposition in Naruto during the fight scenes. It made it easier for the reader to compare what was happening in the fights. I found very few instances of juxtaposition in Pinocchio.
Relationships: In Pinocchio, there is opposition and conflict between Pinocchio, the vampires, and the townspeople at times. In Naruto, there is also conflict.
Point of View: In Pinocchio, the point of view is from Pinocchio. We take his side throughout the book and we know his thoughts. Naruto is told from more perspectives than just his.

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