Friday, March 25, 2011

Foot: Great Films and How to Teach Them

I had a hard time getting through this book. I already knew some of the information in the book so it kind of bored me. I had a hard time staying focused when I reading this book. The pages were very plain and everything was black and white. I did find some of the information
interesting though. I liked when the book talked about the influence of literature on movies and the influence of movies on literature. I just thought it was interesting to see how film can be compared to other media. I especially liked when the book made a comparison between dance and film. “It’s worth considering how a movie can be like, or unlike, a dance number or a musical composition. Some movies do include dances, poetry, or music, of course, but there is a difference between a filmed dance and a dance film” (Costanzo 15). I really liked this quote because it made me think about film in a different way. Dance has always been a huge part of my life, so that quote really made me start to think about the differences in film.

I also found this book to be interesting because it introduced me to some terms that I had never heard of before. I really enjoy watching films, so I was happy to learn some new information. Chapter 2 offered a lot of information that I wasn’t familiar with. I was also surprised when Chapter 5 started talking about theories in film. Many of the theories were similar to literary analysis theories in English. For me, I have a hard time thinking about film and associating it with an English class.

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