Friday, March 18, 2011

Foot: "I'm So Totally, Digitally Close to You" and "Your Leaving a Digital Trail."

“I’m So Totally, Digitally Close to You”

I really liked this article. I thought it was interesting that the article talked about things I had experienced while using Facebook. I was surprised that social scientists actually had a name for it: ambient awareness.
“It is, they say, very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his mood through the little things he does — body language, sighs, stray comments — out of the corner of your eye.” When I’m on Facebook, I can tell the mood of my friends based on their statuses. Even friends that I haven’t seen in a while, I still feel like I’m close to them and I know what is happening in their life. I really liked when the article talked about how Twitter and Facebook don’t demand your attention like an email does. I get on my Facebook a couple times a day, but I’m only on for a few minutes. I actually get on Facebook so I can take a break from items that are demanding my attention. I just skim down through my news feed. I don’t even read half of the posts that are on there. I just read the ones that happen to catch my attention.

“Your Leaving a Digital Trail.”

I thought this article was interesting because this is something I’ve thought about when I use technology. I am actually more cautious about my privacy now with the use of all these new technologies that can leave a trail of what I’m doing and where. This article made me think about how some people don’t seem to think about their security at all when they are using social media. It’s very common for me to see people post status saying where they are going or using an application that tells everyone where they are at. I find it very creepy that people can know what you’re doing throughout the day. It really disturbed me that the digital trail that people leave may force some people to change their health habits like jogging. This article was a good reminder to me why I shy away from technology that can invade my privacy.

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