Thursday, March 17, 2011

Foot: "Publish or Perish" and "I (heart) Novels"

“Publish or Perish”

I really enjoyed this article. I find it interesting how electronic book readers have become so popular lately. Personally, I don’t like electronic books. I find it hard for me to read off of a screen. It gives me a headache. I do recognize that there are a lot of positive features to electronic books. They often are very cheap and you have to book as soon as you buy it. For me, the instant access to the books is the best perk for electronic readers. I didn’t realize that there was such a scandal around the price of electronic books. I thought it was interesting to read about the war between the publishers and Amazon. As I was reading this article, I was wondering if textbooks would be offered as electronic books as well. I wonder how they would be priced in relation to new and used textbooks. I think once people have more access to electronic readers and iPads, then they can become a valuable asset to reading and learning in English classrooms. Students will have more access to books instantly and that is never a bad thing.

“Letter from Japan: I <3 Novels”

I thought this was an interesting article. I have never heard of cell phone writers before. It’s really interesting how the Japanese culture has impacted their use of the internet. I thought it was neat how the people reading the cell phone novels online were able to critique and offer feedback to the author.
I think it’s interesting that the cell phone novels are actually being published. I was really surprised when the article talked about authors not wanting to reveal their identity. It’s very different from American customs where we want to take credit for our work.

I think it’s really interesting how the internet and cell phones has drastically impacted our culture. I think this concept would be neat to incorporate in a creative writing class. I think it would be interesting to see how students respond to being able to write stories through their cell phones.

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