Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pytash: Chapter 1

I really enjoyed this chapter. One thing that I found interesting was the section that dealt with reading for pleasure versus studying literature. As I was thinking about this chapter, I was questioning how to use classical literature to get students interested in reading. I think that both young adult literature and classical literature have different advantages to each, but I think young adult literature is more effective in getting students interested in reading. I think classical literature can teach students a lot about themselves and society, but I think it is hard getting students motivated up to that point. I was also surprised to learn that Oprah now has “Traveling with the Classics.” I think it is great that a celebrity figure such as Oprah is promoting classical literature.

I really liked the section that dealt with reading literature creating background knowledge. I really liked that Jago pointed out that you gain background knowledge on subjects just from reading. I had never thought about it that way before. Lately I have been reading articles online on the NASCAR website. I don’t really know that much about cars, but I have noticed that I’ve become more fluent with the vocabulary. I guess I just haven’t paid that much attention to how reading can create background knowledge rather than just obtaining background knowledge from my life experiences.


  1. I was also surprised to learn about "Traveling with the Classics" as well. It seems like classics get such a bad wrap. Students hate them in schools and then grow to adults still hating them. It is good to see such a well-known figure promoting them. I think it is really important for us as teachers to make these books come alive for our students. We have a huge responsibility when teaching these books in our classes.

  2. In response to your NASCAR reading, I have been reading Senate legislation lately (what a surprise) and I noticed that I am beginning to understand the language (I wanted to use an expletive here) they use. I agree that we can use classical literature to question our society today. In addition to great plot lines and characters, there is also great historical markers in classic literature. I think reading the classics helps students really understand what it was like to live when the works were written. It's a double lesson.

  3. Great points... You are right reading helps us create background knowledge as well as activate our background knowledge.
